How we like to welcome new team members at Content Smith

Here at Content Smith, I love the process of welcoming a new team member to the office and I may take more delight in giving the gifts than the recipient opening them up 😅

Prior to her first day, Jacinda and I discussed her tech requirements (thank goodness she’s a Mac user!), so I ordered a custom laptop for her. Other items in her welcome hamper included a @moleskine notebook (because we’re pen-to-paper kinda people), and a @mariobadescu rose facial spray (she runs @skinned_row so @meccacosmetica was the only place to go for ideas).

And for the COVID-safe work environment, I added a bottle of @la_clinica_skin_and_body’s hand sanitiser.

We then took time to go through her induction that week and capped it off with a long welcome lunch to mark the beginning of her next career adventure.

If you know about the five love languages, one of them is ‘Giving/receiving gifts’. For me? ‘Words of affirmation’ and ‘Acts of Service’ say you care. But I still get so much joy from offering a well-thought out gift.


Meet Jacinda, our Senior Digital Strategist


Content Smith welcomes Jacinda Fermanis as senior digital strategist