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Get to know Jules, our Digital Marketing Specialist

This month we asked Jules some questions to shed some light on her role at Content Smith, what she’s inspired by and her digital trends predictions for 2023.

Tell us about your role at Content Smith.

Officially my role here at Content Smith is Digital Marketing Specialist. In particular, my role focuses on paid ads.

Which part of joining Content Smith makes you the most excited?

I love the endless possibilities of what I can achieve. While I do have a specialisation, it was really clear from even the interview that Steph is really supportive of my own personal growth and the things I want to accomplish. For example, I told the team I wanted to learn more about UX/UI, and within my first couple of weeks, they were giving me opportunities to grow in this area already.

What’s the most interesting job you’ve ever had?

I actually worked as an admin assistant at a Pharma lab when I was in Uni. I wouldn’t really say the work I did was particularly interesting (lots of cleaning lab equipment and filing papers), but I got to work with some really eccentric scientists. I feel like the people we work with add so much to how stimulating we find our own jobs, so even though I was doing menial tasks, I got to learn and talk with some personalities who taught me lessons I still stick to this day.

What’s your biggest strength?

I am an optimist. I love getting clients excited about the things they can achieve. This is also my biggest weakness though. 😅

Growing up is learning our limits as well.

What’s your quote to live by?

Right now it’s: “It’s the small habits. How you spend your mornings. How you talk to yourself. What you read. What you watch. Who has access to you. That will change your life.” @michaeltonge_

If you could meet anyone – dead or alive – who would it be and why?

OH NO. I hate this question. It’s so hard. I’d probably want to meet my great-grandfather. He was a village shaman in the Philippines who disappeared into the mountains to commune with spirits. I would just like to see if I’m anything like him because sometimes I feel like I’ve inherited a bit of that witchy energy lol.

What are the key digital design trends you see for 2023?

It’s been one of my favourite websites for a while, but The Future Laboratory has great weekly debriefs on the world of trend predictions and general happenings in the companies that are doing innovative things to better our lived experience for the future.

A design trend that I’m interested in seeing unfold for 2023 is how nostalgic design will evolve. This past year was really influenced by Y2K, so I’m excited to see how we’ll incorporate the early 00s into our design aesthetic. I’m thinking there will be less technology-inspired design and a leaning into “high school grunge” and punk nostalgia.

Have more design or paid ads-related questions you’d like Jules to answer? Comment below!